Build Full-Stack Apps in Days, Not Months

Generate production-ready code from your database schema with our AI-powered platform. Choose your tech stack, customize features, and launch faster than ever.

Choose your preferable technology stack

What's Included

A Comprehensive Package for Your Project Success

Our generated projects include essential features for building exceptional applications. Here's what you can expect:


Simple authentication system with email and password with email verification.


Support for SQL and NoSQL databases, facilitating a wide range of data storage options.


Pre-built RESTful APIs for easy Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for all DB tables.


Data validation, ensuring that the data entered into the system is accurate and reliable.

Swagger API Doc

Utilization of Swagger for API documentation, providing a user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation.

Email Integration

Integration of email functionality, facilitating communication and notification.

State Management

Use of Redux / React-Query for state management, enabling efficient data flow and state management in the application.


Modern and responsive user interface powered by MUI for enhanced visual appeal.

Dashboard UI

A list page with pagination and a form modal with validations, improving user experience and data entry efficiency.

Clean Code

Standard code formatting, ensuring the readability and maintainability of the code.

Strictly Typed

Strictly typed, ensuring data integrity and reducing the likelihood of type-related errors.

Full Code Ownership

You own all the generated code, providing freedom to modify and customize your project.

Supercharge Your Productivity

Generate Production-Ready Apps in Minutes

Transform your database schema into fully functional React or Nest.js apps with just a few clicks. Our AI handles the heavy lifting, so you can focus on innovation.

Rapid Development
Scalable backend
Tailored to Your Needs

Choose Your Perfect Tech Stack

Select from popular frameworks and databases to create the ideal foundation for your project. Customize features to match your exact requirements.

NoSQL (MongoDB)
Unleash Your Creativity

Effortlessly Edit and Experiment

Modify your database schema with ease and regenerate code instantly. Our platform supports rapid iteration and continuous improvement.

Continuous integration
Get your questions answered

Frequently Asked Questions

Quickly access information about a particular topic or product. We provide a comprehensive list of questions and answers that cover most common topics related to the subject.

What's included in the backend boilerplate code?
What's included in the frontend boilerplate code?
How do I get started on
What is the purpose of designing a database diagram?
Is there any AI functionality for designing the database diagram?
What are the supported databases for the backend?
Are there customization options for the generated code?
How is code generation counted?
How do I set up the boilerplate project on my local machine?

Start Building Now

Claim your free trial and experience the power of AI-powered code generation. No credit card required.

Founders Note

It's no secret that constructing a full-stack is not an easy task.

I love building digital products, experimenting with all the ideas I get, till now I developer many web and mobile apps. I realized I was doing the same thing over and over: Setup Project, Create database, Write CRUD operations, etc... So I developed Code99 for 3 reasons: 1. Save time and focus on what matters: building a business 2. Avoid headaches for doing common things again and again. 3. Get profitable fast—the more you ship, the more you learn, the more you earn I hope this platform can help you achieve your goals.

Bhavik C.
Creator of Code99